You are one of Australia’s most successful chefs. Why did you decide on Bali being your next foodie chapter? 

I was offered an opportunity to work with some cool young Aussie professionals and was brought onboard to consult for The Brett Hospitality Group across a series of new restaurants with various concepts. That coupled with being set on an island - well, it sounded like a good adventure and a bit of a break from Sydney. 

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Fishbone Local is your most recent project and is doing extremely well. What’s next in the pipeline?

I came on board for Fishbone after it had launched so it was a great way to understand how restaurants are set up and run in Bali. Our next project however that I have been involved in from the get-to is MASON and that launches in a matter of days. The menu is mediterranean and that is something I love so I’m pretty excited about creating a menu I hope both the locals and tourists will love. 

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You have a very specific sense of style. Has your fashion sense influenced the way you cook?

I’m traditionally a little old school in my dress sense and I guess that goes for my cooking also, in that I love old school techniques. However the older I get the less I seem to care too much about fashion and it’s more about basics, ease and comfort. 

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If you could have anyone cook for you who would it be and what would they make?

My late farther and without a doubt it would be his schnitzels and mash. 

What’s your favourite season to cook with?

Summer is my favourite season, tomatoes, eggplant and zucchini are abundant and I love throwing down a big batch of ripe non greenhouse tomatoes into some jars to use during the winter.

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Why is cooking food from scratch so important to you and what do you hope doing so will bring to the industry?

It’s something I’ve always loved doing ever since I first made pasta from scratch. I was in awe of how a few simple ingredients can be transformed into something so tasty. I wanted to continue that theme with everything I did. I think it’s important that the industry doesn’t allow things like old school techniques and skillsets to die.

Favourite pizza topping?

Meatlovers - bbq sauce

What do you cook when you're…….
Feeling lazy? Spaghetti Bolognese
Trying to impress? slow roasted rib eye with all the sides
In a nostalgic mood? My dads chicken schnitzels and mash
Trying to be healthy? Grilled Chicken, Steamed Broccoli or Grilled Steak with Sautéed spinach
Cooking for your wife and children? I’ll always make roast chicken vegetable soup throughout the week, my son Harvey loves it and it’s an easy way to make sure he eats his veggies. Otherwise some type of homemade pasta or Roast with a variety of veg

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If you could go anywhere in the world, at anytime of the year and eat anything you wanted. Where, when and what would it be?

It would be reliving my honeymoon with my wife. We went on an incredible food odessy through Spain, France and London. 

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Instagram: @nathan_sasi@fishbonelocal - @mason.bali

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