Georges was one of six creatives asked by Napoleon Perdis to create a series of works inspired by their lip products. We may have had limited locations to shoot, limited equipment, limited props and limited styling, however there was clearly no limits to Georges imagination. I have no idea how his brain works at the best of times but this was really something else.


We began our high end, luxury photoshoot in the bathtub (where all good photoshoots start). The backdrops were a black and a red table cloth secured around the edges using various shampoo bottles and kids bath toys. Once this very carefully arranged studio was set up it was time for me to throw on a bra and some red lippy before submerging myself in the bath. Warm? Yes. Glamorous? Far from it. Luckily we were only shooting from my neck up because the rest of my body looked like some awkward spider caught in its web. Sitting lopsided on my hip with my legs strewn over the baths edge I counted to three before gracefully sinking my head under water. Then I let my lips do the work. Slowly opening and closing them, pursing them together, blowing bubbles, smiling, biting and licking my lips, touching them with my fingers. There were a surprising amount of poses to be had. However, it’s not my performance that needs to be put under the spotlight…..


Can we please take a moment to appreciate Georges commitment to the cause. After popping on a pair of pink, kiddies goggles he decided they just weren’t cutting the mustard and it was time to step up his game and upgrade to the big boys toys. It was time to bring out the snorkel. And if that wasn’t exciting enough, did you see the rather large piece of equipment Georges has in his hands? With his full blown underwater camera kit Georges meant business. Don’t let the bathtub fool you…


It really doesn’t get more unglamorous than this. With half the bath water finding refuge up my nose and in Georges snorkel pipe we spent half the time a spluttering, breathless mess. However, all you need is 0.2 seconds of wow.


But of course that wasn’t enough for Georges. The underwater bath shot was clearly just the warm up. As the sun began to set we decided to throw ourselves into deeper water (quite literally) and Tweed Heads River become our second watery dwelling for the shoot.

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Sadly I don’t have any behind the scenes photos from this part of the shoot but let me paint you a picture. I walk out to the waterfront wrapped in a towel as Georges follows behind with a monstrosity of a camera and a snorkel perched upon his head. The sky is turning orange red and as we set up by the waters edge half a dozen neighbours and our family take a seat and get comfortable as I drop my towel (and dignity) to the floor and wade into the murky waters. As I lay and float (and do my best not to drown) Georges chases me as the tide gently pulls and pushes me out deeper and deeper. And if that wasn’t enough to have to focus on, Valentina decides she wants a piece of the action and strips down to the bare, naked, nudie before proceeding to follow us into the water. It was at this point we called it a wrap.

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I loved sharing this experience with Georges’ sister in law and her family. It was an experience and opportunity we probably won’t get again or at least for a very, very long time. It stretched our creative boundaries and I feel incredibly proud of the outcome considering how little we had to work with. It just goes to show that with some plastics table cloths, a red lipstick and snorkel mask a bit of magic and beauty can arise from a covid lockdown.

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Photographer: @georgesantoni
Lipstick: @napoleonperdis

Follow me @model_appetite on Instagram to keep updated on my blog posts x

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